Novel instruments for percutaneous biportal endoscopic spine surgery for full decompression and dural management: A comparative analysis
저자 Young-Ho Hong, Seung-Kook Kim, Dong-won Suh(서동원) and Su-Chan Lee
게재학술지 Brain Sciences(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 경추·요추디스크, 척추협착증, 퇴행성척추질환, 최소침습 척추치료
Atrogin1‑induced loss of aquaporin 4 in myocytes leads to skeletal muscle atrophy
저자 Seok Won Chung, Ja‑Yeon Kim, Jong Pil Yoon, Dong Won Suh(서동원), Woo Jin Yeo(여우진) & Yong‑Soo Lee(이용수, 교신저자)
게재학술지 Scientific Reports(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 관절-회전근개
Simple Medial Meniscus Posterior Horn Root Repair Using an All‑Inside Meniscal Repair Device Combined with High Tibial Osteotomy to Maintain Joint‑Space Width in a Patient with a Repairable Tear
저자 Dong Won Suh(서동원), Woo Jin Yeo(여우진), Seung Beom Han, Sang‑Yeon So, Bong Soo Kyung(경봉수)
게재학술지 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 슬관절, 스포츠의학, 관절경수술, 인공관절
하지 골절과 동반된 연부조직 결손 재건을 위한 역행성 비복동맥 피판술
저자 한수홍ㆍ홍인태ㆍ최성주ㆍ김민욱
게재학술지 대한정형외과학회지 2020
관련분야 하지, 족부 및 족관절
Long-term Stack splint immobilization for closed tendinous Mallet Finger.
저자 Hong IT(홍인태), Baek E, Ha C, Han SH.
게재학술지 Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 수부 및 손목관절
Outcomes Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Proximal Phalangeal Fracture with Rotational Malalignment.
저자 Lee JK, Hong IT(홍인태), Cho JW, Ha C, Yu WJ, Han SH.
게재학술지 J Hand Surg Asian Pac(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 수부 및 손목관절
Differences in patient and injury characteristics between sports- and non-sports related distal radius fractures
저자 In-Tae Hong(홍인태), Jun-Ku Lee, Cheungsoo Ha, Seongmin Jo, Pei Wei Wang, Soo-Hong Han
게재학술지 Orthop Traumatol Surg Res(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 수부 및 손목관절
Protection of Surgical Team from COVID-19 during Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty in an Infected Elderly Patient
저자 Um SH(엄상현), Kim DH, Yoon MY, Cho CH, Min BW, Bae KC, Lee KJ
게재학술지 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery (SCI급) 2020
관련분야 인공관절, 감염관리
Postoperative Rehabilitation after Hip Fracture: A Literature Review
저자 Um SH 엄상현), Kim YH, Lee KJ
게재학술지 Hip & Pelvis 2020 2020
관련분야 고관절
Associations of COL2A1 Gene Polymorphisms and Ankylosing Spondylitis in the Korean Population
저자 Um SH(엄상현), Yoon MY, Son ES
게재학술지 Journal of korean society of spine surgery 2020
관련분야 척추
Radiographic findings for surgery-related complications after pedicle subtraction osteotomy for thoracolumbar kyphosis in 230 patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
저자 Keun-Ho Lee(이근호), Ki-Tack Kim, Yong-Chan Kim, Joong-Won Lee, Kee-Yong Ha
게재학술지 Journal of Neurosurgery - Spine(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 척추 퇴행성 질환
Impact of growth hormone treatment on scoliosis development and progression: analysis of 1128 patients with idiopathic short stature.
저자 Se-Jun Park, Keun-Ho Lee(이근호), Chong-Suh Lee, Ki-Tack Kim, Jun Hyuk Jang, Dae Hun Shin, Min Sun Kim, Jiyeon Kim, Sung Yoong Chon, Dong-Kyu Jin
게재학술지 Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism(SCI급) 2020
관련분야 소아 척추