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ㆍ척추 내시경, 척추 시술


ㆍ경추 요추디스크

ㆍ척추 협착증

학력 및 경력

ㆍ삼성서울병원 정형외과 전공의 수료

ㆍ삼성서울병원 척추센터 외래교수/ 전임의

ㆍ강동경희대병원 척추센터 외래교수/ 전임의

ㆍ강동성심병원 척추센터 조교수

ㆍ한림대학교 의과대학 졸업

ㆍ국군수도병원 척추전임 군의관

ㆍ아산병원 cadaver workshop수료 - epidural balloon decompression

ㆍMedtronic spine cadaver workshop 수료

ㆍAO Spine advanced cadaver workshop 수료

ㆍ대한정형통증의학회, 대한정형외과학회 TPI 수료

ㆍ대한정형외과학회 정회원

ㆍ대한척추외과학회 정회원

ㆍ아시아 태평양 정형외과학회 정회원

ㆍ아시아 태평양 척추학회 정회원


ㆍValidation of age-adjusted ideal sagittal alignment in terms of proximal junctional failure and clinical outcomes in adult spinal deformity

ㆍL5-S1 nonunion occurrence even after anterior column support combined with iliac screw fixation in long fusion for adult spinal deformity: CT-based analysis at 2-year follow-up.

ㆍMetal failure and nonunion at L5-S1 after long instrumented fusion distal to pelvis for adult spinal deformity: Anterior versus transforaminal interbody fusion

ㆍImprovements in lower-extremity patient-reported outcomes after lumbar interbody fusion

ㆍHow does long thoracolumbar realignment surgery of adult spinal kyphotic deformity affect lower extremity compensation? Using full body radiograph

ㆍRetinal hemorrhage and transient consciousness disturbance after biportal endoscopic lumbar discectomy: A case report and literature review.

ㆍRelationship between sagittal alignment and anterior bony resorption of cervical vertebral body in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

ㆍBest versus worst surgical outcomes after single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion for degenerative spondylolisthesis.

ㆍRadiographic findings for surgery-related complications after pedicle subtraction osteotomy for thoracolumbar kyphosis in 230 patients with ankylosing spondylitis.

ㆍImpact of growth hormone treatment on scoliosis development and progression: analysis of 1128 patients with idiopathic short stature.

ㆍInstrumented Surgical Treatment for Metastatic Spinal Tumors: Is Fusion Necessary?

ㆍSurgical decision for elderly spine deformity patient.

ㆍNovel radiographic parameters for the assessment of total body sagittal alignment in adult spinal deformity patients.

ㆍRelationship between facet joint tropism and degeneration of facet joints and intervertebral disc based on an histological study.

ㆍLong-term outcomes following lumbar total disc replacement using ProDisc-II: average 10 year follow-up at a single institute

ㆍHow accurately can Tokuhashi score system predict survival in the current practice for spinal metastases?: prospective analysis of 145 consecutive patients between 2007 and 2013

ㆍThe effect of simulated knee flexion on sagittal spinal alignment : novel interpretation of spinopelvic alignment

ㆍRadiographic Factors of Proximal Junctional Failure According to Age Groups in Adult Spinal Deformity

ㆍDoes the amount of correction of sagittal deformity really promote proximal junctional kyphosis? Multivariate analyses according to uppermost instrumented vertebra levels

ㆍproximal junctional failure after corrective surgery: focusing on elderly patients with severe sagittal imbalance